Remember 9/11
All the political, demographical, economical and military problems we have today were rooted in the tragedy ...
All the political, demographical, economical and military problems we have today were rooted in the tragedy ...
You know the Pink Fairies song 'Do It'? That's about all there's to it.
Object ARK-D0, mostly known as Tito’s Bunker, was a monumental investment and a top secret project ...
Here's a drone rock morning mass that I made to play at our mornings and my ...
I remember a school class we had with the topic on the 60’s, 70’s and 80’s ...
Death is always around us, so is birth and creation. However, sometimes the ending just comes ...
The engine in life is the balance and power of dealing with the everyday stuff; family, ...
Here's a video from another fine hike near Mostar, and this time to a subterranean river ...
Near Mostar there's a world filled with fantastic nature. I’m very excited to be exploring more ...
I'm glad to have my kids enjoy themselves in Mostar, my place of birth and through ...
Relevant information is always out there, however it's flooded with irrelevancy and boosted up to news ...
It's a super busy time before leaving and we're excited about heading down south again. There'll ...
First things first, here's the video with the footage from all these sites, containing the fundamental ...
(The header illustration is by Vjekoslav Brešić 1926-2012) You’re on a long space journey, a really long one, ...
Now our second child was born, Aurelia, the name means the golden light. Because right now ...
Designed by Matts Larsson and manufactured with care and quality by the Swedish Army between the ...