Two Poems on Death

Death is always around us, so is birth and creation. However, sometimes the ending just comes up more often in a couple of days than usual. Anywhere from being mentioned and reflected upon in say people I follow on YouTube, to a conversation in a taxi or concentrated in phrases of a book you’re reading. I remember the sign at a cemetery in Göteborg ‘Tänk på döden/Think about death’. So I just happened to get in the mood for reflection and reverence for life. Here are some thoughts and two of my poems on death.

It’s for the moment unthinkable and the odds are against it, however it’s inevitable.

You and me will die.

The further away from youth we reach the closer to our physical death we arrive.

So if I would die today I just have these few lines to say.

I will now depart to the eternal and there I will have my love for you intact, my wife, my children.

I leave with that and I leave as I was, embracing it all, giving my best.

This Swedish poem is part of a privately published poetry collection called ‘Ord om bokstav’ which has its own dedicated blog post.

En dikt om döden är en dikt om livet.

Hyllning till livet är en bikt till döden.

När sinnets närvaro sig slukat svart,

då ska döden den taga till helt ny plats.

Då platsen ej finns någonstans bevarad,

blir det ord och minnen som till platsen bringer.

För den levande som en gång var,

finns det nu plats i var och envar.

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