Ramases Album ‘Space Hymns’ 1971

In mid December of 2013, as far up in Scandinavia one gets while still remaining in civilization, I was spending some time in the Norwegian city of Tromsø. It was a very cold, snowy and beautiful winter, with no daylight at all, just a vague ethereal light on clear days reminding you the sun still exists. I was lucky to have the northern light during my first week, every day from about 18:30 to 20:00 and then again from about 22:00 to 23:00. The place I stayed at was located a bit outside the city lights. So when the green northern light created magic, with lights turned out in the room I let the album loose for the first time. Ever since, it’s always been associated with magic. Partly due to the albums spacey theme combined with the heavenly spectacle I saw during my stay in Tromsø and the absolute first listen to the album. The northern lights vanished after the first week and never appeared again until I was on the ferry heading to Lofoten. For a moment there I really thought nothern lights were a daily phenomenon, but apparently not. Speaking of luck.



Ramases, Space Hymns album of 1971.


What was really surprising is that the Swedish actor Peter Stormare released the full discography of Ramases, on his own record label Stormvox. Watch this clip of him talking about this obscure album. Enjoy the music and the story.



He has uploaded some videos, on Stormvox YouTube channel, of Ramases then wife which are super interesting for any new or old fan who has missed them.





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