The past month I got the chance to see and hear one of my favorite artists live, Cary Grace (interview with her). She’s just released a live album called The Uffculme Variations and posted a fantastic live concert excerpt from earlier in May this year. Hopefully there is more she’ll post on YouTube from that May concert. The material in her latest album is a mix of compositions from past albums and live improvised material. This is definitely some of the best prog-rock psych you’ll get to hear that’s released this year. Even last year’s album Tygerland was a powerful manifestation of synths, poetry, psych-rock and that mystical tarot feeling her music and the crescendos within invoke.
You too can a delicate t-shirt like this over at Cary Grace’s Redbubble Shop.
The Uffculme Variations
Cary Grace is an American expat, residing in England since 2005. She is as much at home wielding a soldering iron as a guitar, and runs Wessex analogue, manufacturing Wiard brand boutique modular synthesizers. She devotes as much of her free time as possible to making and listening to music, and finds much of her creative inspiration exploring the beautiful English countryside by motorbike.
Listen in to her albums over at her Bandcamp.
What do you think?