Warm greetings everyone, hope you’re alright and steering straight during these trying times. I always do a new year video where I put my personal sentiment for the year to come, just some thoughts from the starting point of the year. For this year it’s very simple.
Be Strong
Don’t Comply
For all decent people these times are though and have a constant involvement from the big criminal gangs, enforced by the weak minded mass of crowds. Life is a struggle and one day you will have to live up to the ideals, beliefs and values you have.
Coming from a family perspective I must give big ‘Thank You’ to my wife who speaks out about what’s going on. I feel strong, well prepared and alert in all of this with her.
We’re almost in the middle of January already, and in February one will start to notice the longer days. Another thing to add to the yearly sentiment is that, if you have something you’d wanted to do and a chance opens up, especially during these times, go for it! Because chances might be so rare that they will not appear again, for a long time to come.
What do you think?