Japanski Vjetar – Song for Fukushima 2011

It’s the 3rd year after the nuclear disaster in Japan. In March that year I wrote a song dedicated to the accident in Fukushima. It is in Bosnian and the text dwells on the topic of nuclear power, weapons and waste – in a punk poetic way. The music is played by Mikael Edebro and the guitar by Emil Rolof. Here is the video and the lyrics below, the original and also translated the best way I could.

Buy/Download it on Bandcamp.com


sjeti, sjeti, sjeti se
Aprila 86
i u našem gradu se osetilo
a sada nešto o valovima

radiacija, se širi
pukotina centralna
mutacije, se stvaraju
za one mrtve prljava sahrana

osjetišli ispod koraka
kako zemlja trese
kada je vrjeme za drugi svjet

majko zemljo znaj za ovo
žena sunca kada ti govori
o bogatsvu nuklearnom
do zadnje čelije pameti

radiacija, se širi
pukotina centralna
mutacije, se stvaraju
za one mrtve prljava sahrana


remember, remember, remember
april 86
even in our town it was felt
and now it’s something about waves

radiation, is spreading
a central burst
mutation, is forming
for the dead there’s a dirty funeral

do you feel underneath your steps
how the earth trembles
when it’s time for the other realm

mother earth, you must know this
when the women of sun is talking
about the nuclear riches
until the last cell of wisdom

radiation, is spreading
a central burst
mutation, is forming
for the dead there’s a dirty funeral

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