Future Transhumanism & Human Rights

Discussion on the status of future human genetic enhancement policies. The conclusion lands on the need to guarantee individual rights in a firm and constitutional way. Also to further expand and increase the discussion and awareness about the forthcoming bio-technological possibilities – and how these will affect the relation between centralized decisions and the individual.



This video is based on my paper, The Choice of Enhancement. Here’s the abstract and a PDF download of it.

“This paper involves a discussion on the mandatory status of future human enhancement policies. Departing from a deontological background and outlining some potential utilitar- ian dangers in a possible future of centralized policy regarding human enhancement tech- nologies. The conclusion lands on the need to guarantee individual rights in a firm and constitutional way. Also to further expand and increase the discussion and awareness about the forthcoming bio-technological possibilities – and how these will affect the rela- tion between centralized decisions and the individual.”

The Choice of Enhancement PDF download

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