How to Reduce Wireless Radiation at Home

In todays wireless world we cannot avoid wireless access totally, yet we can easily reduce our exposure at home, at work and for the least protected, our children. That’s what I began before my wife got pregnant and we’re still in the natural habit of reducing our exposure. But more on that further down. The most important thing is that for every device you buy there’s a warming about using it close to your body in relation to a wireless connection. The health risks and the still unknown long-term risks are out in the open, by your governmental institutions for health and of course on international level via WHO.

The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) of the World Health Organization (WHO) recently classified wireless radiation as possibly carcinogenic to humans, and numerous animal studies have shown neurological effects, including behavioral disorders, that may lead to long-term health consequences.

While every tech-shop is trying its best to sell families wireless options for your home and laptops get sold without any internet port. The solutions is rather easy. Especially if you and your family aren’t heavy nonsense-social-media-addicts. Here’s a short video on how we do it, please take the time to watch, it’s really simple and in doesn’t require much effort.

Wireless radiation can cause non-thermal biological effects as well, including damage to cells and DNA, even at low levels.

Here are a couple of videos on how to connect your iPad, iPhone and MacBook to ethernet internet in a simple way.

Use plugged-in internet, don’t have wi-fi turned on at home, or reduce it to when you actually need it. You can have the phone at a place and perhaps turn on flight mode, that will stop the 4G signal. Remember to always use speakers or headsets so that the phone can be kept at distance. Also this will (if you have) calm down the connection-stress. Relax, be home and enjoy life and family.

Here’s a PDF with some tips from that sum up more points to think about. It’s a good PDF so share it!

    • Avoid carrying your cell phone on your body (e.g. don’t carry it in a pocket or bra).
    • Avoid placing your cell phone, wireless laptop or tablet on your abdomen. Don’t talk or text while holding a phone against your body.
    • Talk on speaker setting or with an “air tube” headset.
    • Avoid using your cell phone in cars, trains and elevators.
    • Avoid using cordless phones (which also expose you towireless radiation), especially where you sleep. Cordedphones do not emit RFR.
    • Streaming videos and playing games results in higherlevels of RFR exposure. Download and then view or playwith the device in “airplane” mode. Download your emailand then disconnect from WiFi, allowing you to read andrespond without being exposed.
    • Whenever possible, connect wired cables to a router ormodem and turn off the WiFi feature on the router,modem and your personal device(s).
    • Unplug your home WiFi router when not in use (e.g. at bedtime).
    • Avoid prolonged or direct exposure to WiFi routers athome, school or work. If your job requires you to use acomputer, position yourself so that you are not sittingclose to the router and not between the router and your computer
    • If your home or apartment or close neighbor has awireless utility meter (i.e. a “smart” meter), sleep in aroom as far away from it as possible.

In an a survey article from Journal of Microscopy and Ultrastructure called Why children absorb more microwave radiation than adults: The consequences there are some important points to keep in mind.

    • Children absorb a greater amount of microwave radiation than adults.
    • Fetuses are even more vulnerable than children.  Therefore pregnant women should avoid exposing their fetus to microwave radiation.
    • Cellphone manual warnings make clear an overexposure problem exists.
    • Government warnings have been issued but most of the public are unaware of such warnings.
    • Current exposure limits are inadequate and should be revised.

Children and fetuses absorb more microwave radiation, according to the authors, because their bodies are relatively smaller, their skulls are thinner, and their brain tissue is more absorbent. – Study suggests…

My Left Testicle Reacts to Wi-Fi

My left testicle reacts to Wi-Fi - Electrical pollution. Photo: Sanjin Đumišić.

Now to my own story and how I discovered the effect of wireless radiation. When I got my first laptop years ago I was looking forward to have it on my lap, comfortably in the couch. But it was never possible, I got a reaction from my left testicle and it felt warm and uncomfortable. Then I noted that when I didn’t have Wi-Fi there was no reaction – this was by chance when I did not have connection and turned off WIFI to watch a film or something.

As I now use the Mac Book Air, many years and many models after the first, the reaction in my left testicle is still there! Sporadically I searched online for the problem and found that others were having it too, not many but enough people to confirm that there is a problem with electrical pollution. It’s not that I needed other people to trust my own body but it is interesting there men saying the same as I do out there.

If you read the small printed text in the small booklets that come along with the purchase of a laptop, you’ll find that there is a recommendation for how near to have the laptop to the body. I’ve long ago stopped having my laptop in my lap or near my body, but I do sometimes for quick works or sitting on a train. Other times I just do a test. But yes, my left testicle is reacting to Wi-Fi. Putting a pillow between the laptop and my lap helps a bit though.

Interestingly enough, women repport the same reaction to this problem.

I’ve had the same problem, but it starts within about 20 minutes. I’m a woman, so it’s not testicular pain, but my thighs, my “female lap” and even my lower abdomen now, begin to hurt. The “female lap” pain can last for a while after removing the computer – even if I wasn’t using it for very long. It’s very concerning to me. I’ve tried using a 3-inch binder between my lap and the computer – same thing. Boggles my mind. It’s not that it’s over-heating. I don’t know what it is. If you found out anything that seems to make sense, let me know.

I believe we are affected by the presence of electromagnetic juices floating around, buzzing our walls and homes with signature frequencies. For a fact, when I returned from a trip to India and slept the first night in a Swedish flat I noticed and heard the electrical sounds. I got used to it quickly but there is a difference compared to the electro-silent home setup. How dangerous is it? I’m not sure and we won’t know about it since the computer, mobile and online industry is our way of life – who would dare or care?

I’m not a sensitive or weak person, but I do believe this is not good and if you feel the same problem, just keep some distance. Every bit of work todays is done on the computer in the electrical cloud, as once offices were smoke filled by smokers.

Once, I randomly went to the Norwegian national meeting for their electrically oversensitive persons. Well, the hard cases did not attend of course. I thought it was too much and have hard time believing it. Still it sounds too much. But my own line is drawn when having Wi-Fi machines in my lap or close into my body. My left testicle is like a truffle pig.

When it comes to mobile phones I talk with speakers or headphones, but generally I don’t prefer any longer chats over it. Because it heats up your head and makes it warmer – for what important reason?

I’m not alone, here are other peoples stories to be read – – I started feeling the same problem when…

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