Holistic Success & Thriving Through Changes

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It’s been a wild, dangerous, thriving and ultimately rewarding time since the last blog post (October 30 2023, ‘You hit bottom. You rise again’). I’m glad it ended in a holistic successful and balanced way. First of all, family life is good and in the selected clips below, you can see we’re getting out and about on adventures. I have not abandoned the blog, but so much else has recruited my time and interest. Here’s a summary in videos and a few lines.

For my part, I applied to a blockchain developer program early last year and after an application test and four months waiting – I got in. Ever since September, each week has been filled with expanding knowledge about the world of blockchain and Web3. With my background in online content creation, I decided to take an active role in the blockchain world, which I’ve been following for over a decade.

Barely two months after I launched my LinkedIn profile I got employed by Gateway.fm and working there is amazing! It’s remote as my working lifestyle has been for over a decade and each week is stimulating, rewarding and fun. Recently, I’ve attended some Web3 conferences, like BananaConf in snow-clad Tallinn, Estonia, in late April – and BlockSplit in Split, Croatia, at the end of May.

I’ve done it again, working with something I’m passionate about. Something that suits my life, feels holistic, rewarding and allows me to give as much as I can while feeling nurtured and energized from the work itself.

Feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn.

Beautiful Tallinn Old Town. Yet the coldest April 21th ever in my life. Snow forecast tomorrow, so the next part will be interesting.

Continuing the Tallinn days and as expected snow fell today. Spring has confused everyone mostly springtime itself.

Woke up to this beautiful winterland! April 23rd with late spring snow!

Visiting Hvar on a lovely late day in May! Nice catamaran boat trip from Split.

I’ve also created a love song for Europa, my annual “Beyond 2024” video, and had a close encounter with wild boar.

Defund the beast. Fund yourself in all holistic ways, so you fund what you support. Let’s make 2024 one of the best years so far!

Took a run one evening, two lapse on a forest trail run, about 12km. On the second lap i had to run very fast… because of two wild boars.

Tune in to this cold wave electronic indie Euro anthem I did.

Holistic Success

Since October last year I’ve faced some hard times. Sometimes the satanic forces and the people running their errands are not worth mentioning. But it’s been as insightful as it has been scary. More on that some other time. For now, thriving deserves more space here. Alhamdulillah, we as a family are strong and together!

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