
King Tryggve’s Grave – Tryggö Stone Mound

King Tryggve’s Grave – Tryggö Stone Mound

A Bit of Bohuslän History The small island Tryggö is named after Tryggve Olovsson, who was once …

Heart Sutra Essential

Heart Sutra Essential

Here I have scaled down the Heart Sutra, also known as Maka Hannya Haramitsu in the Zen …

Everything Changes

Everything Changes

May began so great with hikes and especially a lot of outdoors with my older daughter Florens. …

Fight The Good Fight!

Fight The Good Fight!

A book changes history, a poem inspires an empire and the sentence of a common man is …



Many claim and feel victimhood of sorts. Few really are. Even more so don’t take personal responsibility …

Orust on a Winter Sunday

Orust on a Winter Sunday

Getting a few hours at hand, heading out to Orust and hiking at Huseby, then ending up …